Department of Electronics and Computer Science and Department of Computer Engineering, SAKEC successfully organized an ISTE Approved One-week STTP on “LINUX SERVER ADMINISTRATION” from 2nd January to 7th January 2023. The program was inaugurated by renowned chief guests Dr. Sangeeta Joshi from Mumbai University. The keynote session was delivered by Mr. Ramesh Kharat, founder of Prior Web Technologies.
This STTP was open to all students, Professors and Professionals. The STTP was attended by 67 participants. This STTP included lecture and Hands on sessions by esteemed speakers from Industry. The core of this STTP was to get skilled in Linux Administration and to build in-depth knowledge related to various fields of the Linux administration.
The session started with Introduction about Linux, its features, and Types of Operating System and overviews of IT Infrastructure components and applications of Linux followed by Hands on training session. Session also covered how to set up Operating System Environment. Live project examples and training had shared by the resource person.
Overall, the session was very interactive. Everyday session was ended with questions and answers and feedback of participants.

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” AICTE- ISTE Approved Refresher/Induction Programme on AI & ML in Electronics ” January 2022

Department of Electronics and Computer Science organized “AICTE- ISTE Approved Refresher/Induction Programme on AI & ML in Electronics”, from Jan6 – Jan12 2022. It was fully sponsored and free of Cost. The Programme was coordinated by Prof. Asha Durafe and Prof. Manisha Mane. The convener was Dr. Subha Subramaniam, HOD ECS.
The inauguration ceremony was graced by Chief Guest Dr. Pratapsinh Desai, President of ISTE.
The keynote address on All about AI and ML was delivered by Dr. Amit Sethi from IIT Bombay.
Many sessions were conducted by eminent speakers like Dr. Sumathi G, Dr. Neeraj Kumar, Dr. Manesh Kokare, Dr. Kuppili, Dr. Rekha Ramesh, Dr. Smriti Bhandari, Prof. Anjum Mujawar, Prof. P. G. Khedkar, Mr. Arun Iyyer, Mr. Avinash, Ms. Preeti S and Mr. Narendra.
Hands on session was conducted on 10/1/2022 by Dr. Suhas Sapate. Dr. Kamal Shah conducted a session on the importance of National Education Policy and Mr. Ashish Parekh and Ms. Radhika Koppikar conducted a session on Art of Living.
The valedictory ceremony was held at 4:00pm on 12/1/2022, and the Chief Guest was Prof. Vijay Vaidya, Executive Secretary of ISTE.
The participants spoke highly of the programme and the team’s work was appreciated. All participants gained a lot of knowledge from the Induction Programme.

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“AICTE ISTE approved STTP on “Advanced Communication Technologies and Security Aspects” JULY 2019
Department of Electronics Engineering has organized an AICTE ISTE approved STTP on “Advanced Communication Technologies and Security Aspects” from 1st July to 6th July, 2019. Mr. Gigi Joseph, Chief Information Security Officer(CISO), Scientific Officer (H), BARC inaugurated and delivered the keynote address.
Eminent speakers from the fields of computer networking and security contributed to the event and hands-on training was provided to the participants. The participants actively involved in the lectures and hands-on training.
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“AICTE ISTE approved STTP on “Pedagogy for Effective Integration of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) in Engineering Education” MAY 2018
Department of Electronics Engineering has organized an AICTE ISTE approved STTP on “Pedagogy for Effective Integration of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) in Engineering Education” from 3rd May to 8th May 2018. This STTP was designed by the Educational Technology Department of IIT- Bombay. This course provided an insight and hands on experience to Engineering faculty in implementing student-centered  integration of ICT for effective learning. The STTP was attended by 41 staff members of whom 8 participants were from different colleges under Mumbai University.Click here for more details…
JULY 2017
Department of Electronics Engineering successfully conducted AICTE-ISTE approved STTP on “Advanced Embedded and Real Time Application Design” from 3rdJuly 2017 to 8th July 2017. Eminent speakers like Dr. P.C. Pande from IIT Mumbai and other engineering colleges contributed to the event. Industry experts like Dr. Kushal Tuckle and Mr. Jayanthi Gokhle shared their practical knowledge with the participants. Participants enjoyed hands-on sessions on RTOS and embedded C programming. Advanced Embedded and Real Time Application Design
JUNE 2016
Department of Electronics Engineering organized an ISTE approved one week STTP on “Design Aspects in CMOS Analog Circuits, ASIC and MEMS” from 27th June to 1stJuly 2016. Dr. B. Satyanarayana from TIFR delivered the keynote address on “Frontiers of VLSI Technologies”. Many resource persons from premier research institutes conducted the sessions of the training program. Dr. Jayanta Mukharjee (IITB), Dr. S. S. Rathod (SPIT), Dr. Sangeeta M. Joshi (VIT), Dr. Saurabh Lodha (IITB), Dr. D. V. Bhoir (FRCRCE), Dr. Nisha Sarwade, Dr. Sudhakar Mande (DBIT) were a few to name. The sessions were supported by resource persons from industries who threw light on the industrial practices in this upcoming field of engineering. There were more than 50 participants for the course. A visit to Nanofabrication Lab, IITB was organized as a part of this STTP. We learnt through the feedback that the participants gained immense knowledge on CMOS analog design, fabrication of MEMS, nanodevices, memristor and ASIC design through this STTP. Design Aspects in CMOS Analog Circuits, ASIC and MEMS

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