Pariksha Pe Charcha | |
The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science had collaborated for Pariksha pe Charcha event by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, where SE and TE students participated in this country wide event. Gallery shows the glimpse of event. |
ML with Web Development | |
The CogniScience club in collaboration with the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science conducted a 5-day hands-on workshop on, “ML with Web Development” from 09/01/2023 to 13/01/2023. Event Coordinator: Mrs. Tina Maru and Mrs. Pooja Prajapati, Kuntal Thakur and Rohit Wahwal Topics covered were: |
Kaggle for Data Science | |
The CogniScience club in collaboration with the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science conducted an event on KAGGLE FOR DATA SCIENCE on 30th September 2022. The lead speaker was Ms. Ibtesam Ahmed popularly known for her work in dataset and Kaggle notebooks master, she is one of the top Kagglers worldwide. This event aimed to have the students of data science an insight on how to use Kaggle on their journey to a successful data scientist. Faculty coordinator: Ms. Tina Maru, Student Coordinator: Yash Barai. |
Mini Project Session for SE students | |
The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in collaboration with CognicScience Club held a session regarding Mini-Project for SE students on 27/07/2022. The session started with a brief introduction and instructions given by Ms. Pooja Prajapati. This session was followed by a noteworthy introduction to AI by Kapil Phadale with interesting insights on why AI is unique from other fields. Project demonstrated were are follows |
Goal Setting | |
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science conducted a very beneficial session regarding “Goal Setting” on 21st July 2022 by our college counselor Ms. Hitakshi Vyas Joshi. |
AI Appreciation Day 2022 | |
The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in collaboration with CogniScience Club and Training And Placement Cell celebrated, “AI Appreciation Day 2022” on 16/07/2022.The event started with the presence of Principal – Dr. Bhavesh Patel Sir, Dr. V.C Kotak, HOD – Dr. Rekha Ramesh, HOD’s of different departments and Faculty Co-ordinator Mr. Milind Khairnar. Speakers, Dr. Deepak Garg, Director of NVIDIA-BU Research center on AI and Mr. Kasam Shaikh, Among INDIA’s first 5 MVP in Microsoft AzureAI, highlighted AI and IoT Integration for growth in the industry, giving a real life example. |
Data Science Fundamentals with Python | |
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in collaboration with CogniScience Club conducted a 5-days hands-on workshop on, “Data Science Fundamentals with Python” from 04/07/2022 to 08/07/2022. |
Explainable AI/ML Model Interpretability | |
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with NDLI conducted a very beneficial session about Explainable AI/ML Model Interpretability on 5th March 2022 by speaker Mr.Devesh Surve. The event was very insightful and informative for the students as Mr. Devesh Surve explained the topic with interesting stories and real-time examples. He started by the introduction of explainable AI which cleared the conceptual part for the attendees. This was followed by in depth information about ML,its evolution and deep learning given by the speaker. Along with this he also gave us an insight on meta-learning. Later he explained the drawbacks of explainable AI ,the security issues and the improvements that can be made in this field. After this, he explained the difference between explanation and interpretation which was then followed by a detailed discussion on implementation of the model. |
How to deal with Peer Pressure and Addiction | |
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science had conducted a very beneficial workshop regarding “How to deal with Peer Pressure and Addiction” on 20th January 2022 by college counselor Ms. Hitakshi Vyas Joshi. This was followed by further discussion on addiction where Ms. Hitakshi encouraged students to open up regarding addiction and peer pressure, which gave many students an open space to talk about their insecurities. In the end, she discussed with us the recent form of addictions like binge-watching, exercising, and ways to cope with them. The session ended on a good note leaving the students with a lot to think about and with the information necessary to make healthy choices in life! |
Cogniscience club orientation and Expert Talk | |
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science has formed a club name Cogniscience Club which got inaugurated on 24th September 2021 by Principal Dr. Bhavesh Patel. After inauguration of club, principal sir brief about the latest advancement in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and need for creating a platform which will help students to remain updated about latest technological advancement.Later Head of Department, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Dr. Rekha Ramesh briefed about the major objectives behind forming Cogniscience Club. After the orientation, Expert talk was arranged by Dr. Arun Iyer, Principal Researcher, Microsoft on Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence and difference between them. Initially he briefed about these 3 broad areas in depth. Later he briefed about various task performed under Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence domain. He also explained what all skills are needed to become Data Engineer, ML Researcher and AI/NLP/CV Researcher.After that Mr. Iyer briefed about what he is actually doing in Microsoft i.e Data Analysis, Data Interpretation and Presentation, Building model, Solving for business and using existing models. Atlast sir explained various real world applications in field of AI, ML and DataScience. |